MyCrypto Patent

First Tshirt IPF Patent / Copyright

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  • Example of Image IPF
  • Example Patent T-Shirt
  • Image is the IPF
  • Image Encrypted
  • Hash in OP_RETURN
  • Commercial? - Get a License

In this example, the Intellectual Property File IS the picture. Notice the HlyGrail Patent Number, or the bitcoin address is included in the image, proving the picture was available prior to patenting and now has a blockchain date of ownership.

Since no ownership is included in the file, it is possible for someone to attempt to steal the T-Shirt design.  If they download the picture and they encrypt it with the bitcoin address, they will create a new encrypted file and hash.   However, the hash will not match the OP_RETURN in the original transaction because of random IV.  If they file a new transaction to the same address, their image will decrypt but will have a later date and hash.

To protect unencrypted images from theft, make sure you sign your image or include your name as part of the picture to prove it is yours.

The best approach for unencrypted images is to watermark the image with the address and include it in an IPF.   Include ownership information in your Intellectual Property File.

This image is NOT the original matching the hash! It is a decrypted image of the original.  Only the holder of the original encrypted file that matches the hash in the OP_RETURN can decrypt and prove ownership.

Without using the HlyGrail Algorithm, it is easy to copy or change most of todays NFTs.  Just having the hash does not prove own the file, and just recording your hash in a transaction does not prove you held the original prior to the transaction.  By using the HlyGrail Algorithm and encrypting the IPF, you can use your IPF clear like this t-shirt image, but only YOU have the original encrypted version that matches the hash.

Below is an example of what you should keep to identify your T-Shirt IPF.

Make sure you have the ENCRYPT FILE if you encrypt as in this case to prove ownership.

Intellectual Property File - 38RLpJfZMHmpUV87TqKZDaa7qQjjx433bt.PNG.aes

Blockchain Address and key 38RLpJfZMHmpUV87TqKZDaa7qQjjx433bt

SHA256 for encrypted file 3388dda91040cde0b8d3076e52ad07060cb79e50aded2b836775c16ebb026c19
Size 311778 bytes

OP_RETURN 486c79477261696c3388dda91040cde0b8d3076e52ad07060cb79e50aded2b836775c16ebb026c19

Transaction Number b68ace2a34ee680a85fcc78f56cd7ea3fea595e06e50ed9946edfbbd20df2084

HlyGrail Patent / Copyright Number 38RLpJfZMHmpUV87TqKZDaa7qQjjx433bt

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